Facebook will launch its own version of a standalone mobile photo sharing application Thursday in Apple's App Store, even after the social network dropped a cool $1 billion on Instagram, the popular mobile photo sharing app.
The new app, called Facebook Camera, is a standalone Facebook application, separate from the Facebook app proper, much like the company's Facebook Messages app.
Photos in Facebook Camera will be full-bleed, spanning the entire width of the iPhone's screen. Users will be able to comment and like photos directly from the stream.
In addition, the program runs much faster than browsing photos within Facebook's proper app. And by introducing a separate camera app, it's another way of bypassing the cumbersome process of adding pictures via the main Facebook app.
The release comes only a month after Facebook acquired Instagram last month for $1 billion.
Facebook officials said the social network was most likely working on the product long before the company was talking about buying Instagram.
In addition, the release could provide insurance in the unlikely event that the deal, which is still purportedly being probed by the FTC, doesn't close.
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