The saga continues...
A Dutch court has banned several Samsung Galaxy devices for infringing on an Apple patent.
The courts awarded Apple the ban after Samsung was accused of violating an Apple patent relating to photo galleries, specifically the "bounce back" feature when scrolling through images.
The ban applies to phones running the Android operating system version 2.2.1 and later for Galaxy tablets and smartphones.
Samsung will now have to pay Apple a fine of 100,000 euros ($129,000) every day the company violates the ban and may have to pay the iPhone maker a portion of its profits from Galaxy products since June 27, 2011.
The latest ruling is part of the ongoing battle over who copied who, a world war that spans more than ten countries and there's no end in sight.
Last Friday, the Apple motioned to add an additional six Samsung devices to be considered in court as both companies prepare for a second lawsuit in the U.S.
The trial will be on March 31, 2014, at which point a jury will revisit the devices included in the August ruling, which Apple won.
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