Amid the mundane chatter of an ordinary digital teenager, a Twitter account believed to belong to the Boston Marathon bombing suspect who remains at large contains some chilling chatter.
The @J_tsar Twitter feed is believed to belong to Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19, one of two Chechen brothers police say carried out Monday's terror attack in Boston. Buzzfeed on Friday reported that a high school classmate of Dzhokhar, Stefanie Gardner, confirmed that the account belonged to Tsarnaev.
The last post, on April 16, after the Monday bombing that killed three and left dozens gruesomely injured: "I'm a stress free kind of guy."
I'm a stress free kind of guy
And right before the bombing, on April 15: "Ain't no love in the heart of the city, stay safe people."
Later that evening, in response to someone else's protected Tweet: "..and they what 'god hates dead people?" Or victims of tragedies? Lol those people are cooked."
Most of tweets account were ordinary fodder that could have come from anyone: talk about TV shows and cars, for example. A connection between Tsarnaev and the Twitter account has not been verified by the police or FBI.
Police believe Tsarnaev could be armed and consider him extremely dangerous. He and his brother — in a vehicle they carjacked from a man who later escaped — led police on a chase through city streets Thursday night and Friday morning, after robbing a 7-11 in Cambridge and killing a Massachusetts Institute of Technology police officer, according to authorities.
Anyone with information on the whereabouts of Tsarnaev is urged to call the FBI: 800-CALL-FBI.
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